Latest Insights

Putting People First: Harnessing Digital Health for People Living with HIV in Kenya … see more

Powering Digital Health Transformation towards UHC: The Vital Role of Parliamentary Engagement ... see more

Towards more robust health data governance - Driven by country leadership and collaboration … see more

Transform Health's Key Asks For The 77th World Health Assembly … see more

Progress towards Universal Health Coverage has sped up this decade, see more


Digital Health In Action

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  • Youth At AHAIC 2021 Speak Out About Meaningful Youth Engagement

  • Introducing Transform Health at the #WITForum2021: Nanjira Sambuli

  • Young People Demand Greater Investments In Themselves: Transform Health At #AHAIC2021

  • Transform Health at #UNGA75: Harnessing digital technology for health transformations

  • What Is Transform Health? President Nanjira Sambuli Answers

  • Official Digital Health Week Events Schedule 2021

  • Digital Health Week 2021 | Official Video

  • Joseline Carias on Health Data Governance In Latin America | #HealthDataPrinciples

  • Tanzanian MP Neema Lungagira calls for a health data governance framework | #HealthDataPrinciples

  • Stefan Germann on the #HealthDataPrinciples

  • Strengthening the governance of health data: side-event at #WHA75

  • Register your participation in Digital Health Week 2022!

  • Digital Health Week 2022: Event Line-up LIVE!

  • Digital Health Week 2022 | Official Video

  • Where's My Data? : Take part in the global #MyDataOurHealth campaign

  • Governments must act for stronger health data governance!

  • Where's My Data? | People React To Asking For Their Health Data | #MyDataOurHealth

  • AHAIC '23 event: My Data, Our Health: Building demand for a global health data governance framework

  • Why Transform Health Is Advocating For A Health Data Governance Framework

  • Jeroen Maas on why the DCCC supports a health data governance framework

  • World Health Day Webinar: From Health Data Governance Principles to a Global Framework

  • Towards a Global Health Data Governance Framework - Transform Health at #WHA76