Transform Health India Rajasthan is a coalition of organisations working in the state of Rajasthan, India to enable digital transformation of health systems by working on drafting and improving digital health legislation, advocating for increased digital health investment towards digital health transformation, building capacity of varying stakeholders, and ensuring that the policy formulation process is inclusive and participatory.

The coordinating partner for the Transform Health India Rajasthan is WISH (Wadhwani Initiative for Sustainable Healthcare), the flagship program of Lords Education and Health Society (LEHS), an Indian non-profit organisation with the mission to scale innovations for creating an equitable healthcare system, and make quality primary healthcare available and accessible to the underserved populations.

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) will be achieved by 2030 by harnessing digital technology and the use of data.

To build a global movement that brings together organisations and institutions across sectors who are committed to achieving UHC within the next ten years by expanding the use of digital technology and increasing access to data.


Tailored Digital Health Roadmap Development in Rajasthan: Develop the Digital Health Roadmap (framework/plan for ABDM and digital health implementation) and receive approval from the Rajasthan State Government by Q4 2024.

We aim to develop a comprehensive Digital Health Roadmap for Rajasthan, aligned with the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) and national standards, by assessing the current digital health infrastructure and engaging diverse stakeholders. This will ensure broad support and seamless integration with the National Digital Health Ecosystem (NDHE), creating a framework to advance digital health in Rajasthan and serve as a model for other states. Additionally, we will collaborate with the national government to scale similar frameworks in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana through national partnerships.

Resource Advocacy for Digital Health : Increase the digital health budget by 20% and improve resource utilisation by 15% by 2025 for the state of Rajasthan.

We will assess readiness and advocate for increased budget allocations within state and National Health Mission (NHM) budgets to support digital health initiatives. The coalition will provide targeted recommendations on financial bottlenecks and improved financial management for digital health. Additionally, we will develop and implement localised digital health investment tools to track budget allocation and utilisation, informing advocacy and policy proposals for increased state budgets.

Capacity Building among Stakeholders such as-Government officials, healthcare professionals, and other related stakeholders (HIP, HIU etc.) to ensure successful implementation of the ABDM and wider digital health transformation in Rajasthan.

The coalition will analyse current training modules, including state-mandated ABDM training, to develop a curriculum for government officials, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders. This content will be enhanced to fill capacity gaps identified in the landscape study and readiness assessment in Rajasthan, complementing the national ABDM training. We will engage with education and training institutes to adopt this module, institutionalising it as an ongoing Digital Health Management Development Program (MDP).

Outreach and Influence, Promoting Data management empowerment, privacy and security.

The coalition aims to reach 1 million citizens and increase awareness of health data governance by 25% within 24 months in Rajasthan through campaigns and stakeholder mobilisation. This will support a state-level strategy on health data privacy, governance, and digital health, aligned with the national model law. Additionally, we will increase sign-ups for Ayushman Bharat Health Accounts (ABHA) and related registries, and explore partnerships with telecom companies to pre-install the personal health record (PHR) app on mobile phones, ensuring it reaches the last mile.

Monitoring and Evaluation of ABDM Implementation: Enhance digital health initiative effectiveness by 20% with ABDM monitoring framework by 2026.

The coalition will collaborate on developing a set of KPIs aligned with digital health initiative objectives, ensuring they are SMART. It will then support in implementing regular data collection and analysis mechanisms to track progress against defined KPIs, providing assistance in conducting periodic evaluations to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of implemented interventions. The coalition will then establish feedback loops to incorporate learnings from monitoring and evaluation activities into decision-making processes. Finally, it will assist in engaging stakeholders at various levels in the monitoring and evaluation process to ensure transparency, accountability, and buy-in.

Health data governance principles are adopted by the Government of Senegal by February 2025.


The Indian Digital Health Landscape

National Health Policy of India recognizes the role of Digital Health technology in ensuring Universal Health Coverage. It further proposed national level institutions and framework to support development, deployment of digital health across the continuum of care in India. It proposes a unique ID, Electronic Health Records, creation of registry of health services and health functionaries. Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission 2020 has evolved to deliver on the path defined by the 2017 policy.

India with a population of 1.39 billion has over 5 million healthcare professionals, and over 1.2 million healthcare facilities. Many of them are already using different digital health systems. It may not be possible for them to shift to a single digital health system prescribed by the government. The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) has been launched by the Government of India for promoting digitization of healthcare and creating an open interoperable digital health ecosystem for the country. ABDM seeks to implement digital health standards based on an open, secure and interoperable digital health ecosystem for all stakeholders. ABDM is leveraging the power of technology to ensure the attainment of the highest possible level of health and well-being for all citizens and create a healthier nation.

Government of India passed a legislation in parliament, to protect digital personal data of India’s citizens. In Aug 2023, “THE DIGITAL PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT, 2023, came into force through government of India notification. This Act provide for the processing of digital personal data in a manner that recognizes both the right of individuals to protect their personal data and the need to process such personal data for lawful purposes and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.


Programme De DIgitalisation Du Secteur De La Sante

Plan Strategique Sante Digitale 2018-2023


A missed opportunity to unlock the power of data for health

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