Digital Health Week is a global week of action that brings together organisations interested in and committed to the digital transformation of health systems to achieve universal health coverage.

Digital Health Week is open to anyone who wants to make their voice heard and take part in the conversation.

Digital Health Week was conceived by Transform Health to address a gap in the market and respond to our members' request to broaden the conversation around digital health. To establish the DHW we leveraged our membership base and invested in the coordination and exchange of ideas, technical expertise and experiences to create a valuable independent brand that has grown in recognition and support each year. We have conceptualised Digital Health Week with the following objectives:
  • Broaden and deepen the national and regional conversations on the digital transformation of health to achieve UHC.
  • Increase the number of actions taken to promote digital transformation as a means of achieving UHC.
  • Promote collaboration, knowledge sharing  and learnings on digital health within and across countries and contexts.
  • Build consensus, increase support and attention for the role of digital technology and the effective use of data as a means of accelerating progress towards UHC.

During Digital Health Week, people around the world organise events and actions, tell their stories and publish research, policy positions or opinions, join conversations on social media and share why digital health matters to them.

Visit the Digital Health week website

Transform Health During Digital Health Week

Transform Health actively engages in Digital Health Week at global and national levels, using the week of action to highlight the contribution digital health can make to UHC and to promote its priority issues to a broader audience.