Transform Health Annual Report

Introduction from the Executive Director

Three years into our ten year global strategy, Transform Health and partners are proud of our achievements so far. Over the last year the coalition has grown to over 150 members and has established national coalitions across three priority countries, Kenya, Indonesia, and Ecuador. Our work around our three strategic priorities is leading to tangible successes that are having an impact on the enabling environment at different levels.

At Transform Health we are keenly aware that digital transformation is a political decision, and that political leadership is a precondition for the right policies, legislation, regulation and funding to enable the digital transformation of health systems and accelerate UHC. That is why most of our resources are channelled towards supporting partners at national and local levels to work with decision makers and ensure this political commitment translates into concrete action. In 2023 Transform Health played a leading role in the passage of legislation on digital health (Kenya), in developing standards and training for a new generation of healthcare workers (Indonesia) and in ensuring sufficient budget allocation for digital transformation (Ecuador). At the local level we have been working with and supporting 28 partners to participate in the My Data Our Health campaign across six countries in East and West Africa, changing the public conversation and political commitment on health data governance.

Our work with partners at regional and global levels serves to create the right political, policy and funding environment to support national level change. At regional level we have continued to work with our partners, the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN), ENDA Sante, HELINA, and RECAINSA to advocate for stronger health data governance and on shaping the policies and priorities of regional bodies and national governments to ensure an enabling environment for digital transformation. At global level, we have continued to press for more commitment and coherence around health data governance. We have also been supporting and helping shape the Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH), launched during the G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting in August. These engagements with decision makers at global and regional level serve to build consensus among governments, increase the political priority of digital transformation of health systems, and agree on actions each government can take to accelerate the process. Importantly these initiatives provide national and local level actors with a means to hold their governments to account for commitments made and to invest political, legal and financial capital in bringing about the necessary changes that will ensure technology is able to bridge the gaps between people’s health needs and the systems ability to respond.

As I reflect back over this successful year, I want to thank all our partners for their ongoing commitment to Transform Health. Without their continued engagement we would not have achieved the successes set out in this report.

Mathilde Forslund

Executive Director, Transform Health

Key Highlights

Launched “My Data, Our Health” Campaign


#MyDataOurHealth campaign – Launch a public conversation on health data and its use.

Called on Global Leaders to Prioritise Digital Health


Transform Health issued a policy brief, setting out our key demands to global leaders, and called for more action on digital health at the World Health Assembly, the High-level meeting on UHC, and through the G20.

Set-up Transform Health India, Rajasthan


Transform Health India – Rajasthan convened 20 partners to develop the coalition’s five year strategy and roadmap.

Represented the Coaliation’s Positions During the UN High-level Meeting on UHC


Transform Health called on world leaders to prioritise digital health and health data governance to accelerate UHC during the Multi-stakeholder hearing and UN High Level meeting on UHC.

Mobilised support for priority agendas during the 76th world health assembly


Organised key side-events during #WHA76 to commit to stronger health data governance and improved and better-coordinated digital health investment. Through the events, we were able to see strong political support on the need to strengthen health data governance regulation; and were able to identify actionable steps to prioritise digital health investments.

My Data, Our Health Campaign Reaches Over 6 Million People


Building the movement, #MyDataOurHealth campaign grew to include 28 community-based partners in East and West Africa, spreading awareness around the issue of health data among community members. Over 150 people participated in the ‘Where’sMyData? Campaign Action.’

Launched A Digital Health Investment Working Group


Launched the ‘Investing smarter in Digital Health Transformation’ to bring together partners to collaborate and take forward a ‘Partner Action Plan’, which sets out priority agendas, to support improved digital health investment to deliver UHC.

Represented Civil Society On The Global Initiative On Digital Health


Elevated the perspectives of stakeholders to help shape the Global Initiative on Digital Health (#GIDH). Engaged more than 100 stakeholders from over 80 organisations during two multi-stakeholder consultations.

Achieved Regional Commitments On Digitisation Of Health Systems And Stronger Health Data Governance


ECOWAS Parliamentarians signed a declaration of commitment on the digitisation and governance of healthcare data at a regional consultation organised by Transform Health’s regional partner. The declaration included commitments to raise awareness amongst parliamentary colleagues on this key issue, support regional countries in drafting key legislation and mobilising resources for programs in this area among others.

Launched Transform Health Senegal


Transform Health Senegal officially launched the coalition, following a strategic planning workshop with partners. The coalition brings together 20 organisations representing diverse groups including youth and marginalised communities, private sector organisations, NGOs, among others, aims to support the digitisation of health systems in Senegal.

Raised Key Coalition Priorities During The 78th Un General Assembly


Organised a high-level discussion on optimising digital health investment to deliver UHC and participated in the high-level week to champion the need for stronger health data governance and a global framework, during #UNGA78.

Collaborated With The Government Of Ecuador To Ensure Digital Health Was Included In The Open Government Initiative


Transform Health Ecuador  engaged several partners to collaborate with the Government of Ecuador, in particular the Open Government Initiative, to help prioritise digital health as an accelerator to achieve UHC in the country.

Provided Expert Advice On Digital Health To The Legislative Assembly In Mexico To Inform The National Budget


Transform Health Mexico participated in expert consultations with members of the Legislative Assembly’s Health Committee, to underscore the critical role of digital health in achieving UHC in Mexico.

Launched A New Costing, Identifying The Digital Health Funding Gap For Africa


Launched a new costing of the digital health funding gap for Africa, during the Africa HealthTech Summit. Also established the Africa CDC flagship initiative on Health Data Governance in Africa, co-chaired with HELINA.

Contributed To The Drafting And Adoption Of The Digital Health Act Of Kenya


Transform Health Kenya contributed to the development of a Digital Health Act that was signed into law by the president. The coalition facilitated the engagement of youth, women and marginalised community representatives in the drafting of the text.

Initiated A Consultative Process To Inform A Model Law On Health Data Governance

October – November

Convened regional multi-stakeholder consultations (led by AeHIN, HELINA and RECAINSA) to inform the development of a draft Model Law on Health Data Governance, consulting 500+ stakeholders from 65+ countries.

Designed And Launched A Digital Health Curriculum In Indonesia


Transform Health Indonesia developed and launched a  draft curriculum  for public health schools to meet the digital health capacity needs of the incoming public health workforce, ensuring digital literacy so that they are able to adapt to this rapid transformation. The curriculum will be adopted by all public health courses in Indonesia.

Organised Digital Health Week 2023


Digital Health Week 2023. The global week of action saw 83 virtual and in-person events, 250+ social media campaigns, 10 physical campaigns, 7 public commitments towards digital health transformation and over 40 articles, videos and resources published.

Provided Guidance To Parliamentarians On How They Can Support Digital Health Transformation


Launched a policy brief with UNITE Parliamentarians Network for Global Health, during #DigitalHealthWeek2023, highlighting 5 key recommendations that parliamentarians can take to support digital health transformation.

Advancing The Digital Transformation Of Health Through Our Three Strategic Objectives

Building Consensus And Political Will To Address The Enabling Environment For Digital Health Transformation

Strengthening Health Data Governance

More And Better Funding For Digital Health Transformation

Coalition Growth And Development

Over the last year the coalition has grown to over 150 organisations, all working towards prioritising the the key role of digital health to advance UHC progress.

Learn More About Transform Health’s Growth