The Global Digital Compact was adopted last week by governments at the Summit of the Future, as part of the Pact for the Future. Transform Health welcomes the strong focus on data governance in the compact, which sets out a commitment from governments to develop a data governance framework. 

However, that commitment is only as powerful as its implementation. Governments must now work collectively and inclusively (with a wide range of stakeholders, including civil society and youth) to turn that commitment into action. 

Transform Health believes that this must include strengthening the legislative and regulatory environment, as well as sector-specific action through relevant processes and gatherings, such as the World Health Assembly, in the case of health. This includes building international consensus around what is needed to strengthen health data governance legislation and regulation, including through the development and endorsement of a global (and regional) framework and implementation of more robust national approaches. 

On the sidelines of UNGA and the Summit of the Future, Transform Health, the World Health Organization, the Health Data Collaborative, OECD, PATH, PMNCH, and Young Experts Tech for Health (YET4H) co-hosted a side event on Strengthening Health Data Governance in the Digital Age: Leadership, Collaboration, Action”, which saw strong government leadership on the issue and highlighted upcoming moments to continue to build momentum and action, including during the Africa HealthTech Summit, Global Digital Health Forum, AU Summit, and the World Health Assembly, among others.

In the age of digital advancements and AI, where a plethora of data is collected and used, action is acutely needed to ensure that data is used responsibly and for public benefit, with needed protections in place to uphold people’s privacy and rights. Transform Health looks forward to working with governments and other stakeholders to support this process to deliver on the promise set out by governments in New York of an inclusive, open, sustainable, fair, safe and secure digital future for all. 

Read Transform Health’s earlier feedback on the third revision of the Global Digital Compact.