Transform Health is in New York this week for the 79th UN General Assembly (UNGA79). We are taking part in a number of exciting events during the week, including facilitating discussions and speaking on the need for more robust health data; more and better digital health investment; and the role of different stakeholders in supporting the enabling environment for the digital health transformation. Underpinning all of this, we will be advocating for equity, inclusion and rights-based approaches to be prioritised. These are key action areas to ensure we are harnessing digital health transformation to accelerate progress towards UHC goals.

With the United Nations Summit of the Future taking place during UNGA79 (on 22-23 September), where the Global Digital Compact is expected to be endorsed by governments, this represents a critical moment to galvanise action and consensus on these agendas (read Transform Health’s recommendations on the latest revision of the Compact). This entails identifying next steps and opportunities to ensure the Compact is implemented, including through sector-specific processes and upcoming global and regional gatherings, such as the AU Summit and the World Health Assembly.


Transform health is co-hosting the following events during UNGA


The World Health Organization, Governments of Estonia and Ireland, the International Telecommunication Union, the Global Disability Innovation Hub, and Transform Health will co-host a Multi-stakeholder dialogue during the Summit of the Future Action Day, A Digital Future for All on Investing in Digital Public Infrastructure for Equitable Future Health Systems, with Assistive Technology as a Use Case. The session will discuss challenges with financing, governance and architecture to ensure digital health transformation is accessible to all, featuring a use case on improving access to assistive technology for 2.5 billion people in need globally. Speakers will include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonia, Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations, National Health Authority India, Ministry of Health Brazil, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT of the United States, WHO, ITU, UNICEF, Transform Health and Digital Square at PATH.

Learn more about the event.


Transform Health, the World Health Organization, the Health Data Collaborative, OECD, PATH, PMNCH, and Young Experts Tech for Health (YET4H) will co-host a side event on Strengthening Health Data Governance in the Digital Age: Leadership, Collaboration, Action, as part of the Science Summit for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SSUNGA79). During this event, we will hear personal and community perspectives on what health data governance means to them and their expectations of governments and other actors in this regard. This will be followed by a government and leadership panel exploring national experiences, leadership and needed action. The session aims to build political support to strengthen health data governance, including through consensus and commitments around a global (and regional) health data governance framework and stronger national legislation. This will help take forward commitments in the Global Digital Compact and recommendations in the recently released report of the High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence.

Register here to join in-person or virtually.


We will also be speaking at the following event


“The Policy and Regulatory Environment to Enable One Health” panel at the Science Summit 

Our Executive Director will be part of the One Health Panel of the Science Summit for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SSUNGA79), which focuses on the One Health approach, emphasising the interdependence of environmental, animal, and human health. Transform Health will speak during the session on “The Policy and Regulatory Environment to Enable One Health”. Learn more here.