Request for Proposals for Campaign Coordinator in India

Transform Health India is looking for an organisation to manage and coordinate the implementation of its national campaigns and to contribute to the global campaign efforts over the next three years. The current campaign priority is MyDataOurHealth. The coalition will be developing and launching other campaign initiatives over the next year, including the Roadmap to 2030 and a second global campaign. The coordinating partner will be expected to contribute to and when launched coordinate these initiatives at national level, as well as implement aspects of the global campaign. 

Transform Heallth’s campaigning aims to support the coalition’s advocacy and policy goals  (set out in the Transform Health Strategy) and operates in close coordination with our government outreach and engagement colleagues at the national, regional and global levels. Transform Health coalition campaign partners at the national level raise public and political awareness of specific issues such as health data governance, resourcing and investment for the digital transformation of health systems to achieve universal health coverage, among key audiences and create the political support and public understanding that is necessary to shape policy and government decisions.

Transform Health’s first global campaign – My Data Our Health – was launched in January 2023. The campaign was piloted in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania) and in West and Central Africa (Benin, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal). The campaign focuses on the issue of health data and the way it is regulated and governed. 

Transform Health is inviting well established campaign organisations focusing and/or led- by youth, women and marginalised communities to submit proposals for small grants (no more than US$25,000) to lead the coalition’s campaign efforts at national level (in partnership with the national coalition already set up in country) and coordinate implementing partners. In addition to the small grants, the selected organisations will be supported through capacity development and other resources,  tools and assets to enable them to coordinate partners more effectively and to mobilise their supporters and engage with authorities and the media. 


The MyDataOurHealth campaign

The MyDataOurHealth campaign aims to raise awareness and galvanise action on the issue of health data and to encourage a public and political conversation on the following set of questions:

  • Who determines how health data is collected, managed, used, stored and disposed of? 
  • What are the limits of this authority? 
  • How can we ensure this data is going to be used for public benefit purposes? 
  • How much access and control do and should individuals have over their health data? 
  • How can we ensure this ownership and control is respected and protected? 
  • What role can individuals play in driving up data quality by ensuring their own health data is accurate and complete?

The overall objective of the campaign is to contribute to the coalition’s goal of ensuring more effective health data governance. 

The coalition’s  objective is to influence governments so they support a global health data governance framework underpinned by a set of health data governance principles through a resolution at the World Health Assembly. The coalition will then work with partners to encourage governments to integrate this framework into national legislation.

Campaign objectives

  1. The campaign creates awareness among the general public, media and lawmakers on health data governance to raise and profile the issue among 400,000 people by December 2025.
  2. At least three additional governments demonstrate support for the Model law and endorse the Health Data Governance Principles / or use them to develop their own national regulation/legislation.
  3. At least 50 civil society organisations in particular those representing youth, women and marginalised communities participate in the MyDataOurHealth campaign by December 2025.
  4. Civil society organisations sign an open letter calling on the government to sponsor or support a resolution on health data governance at the World Health Assembly by May 2025. This resolution should instruct the WHO to develop a health data governance framework that includes core regulatory elements (model law and regulation) that can then be integrated into national laws.


Other campaign initiatives

Transform Health’s other flagship campaign initiative is Digital Health Week. The coalition is also planning to develop and launch a further campaign initiative later this year, the Roadmap to 2030 and will be developing and launching a new issue specific campaign next year.

Digital Health Week: 

Digital Health Week was set up to enable organisations not traditionally involved in digital health, to participate in the public conversation. By broadening the scope of engagement around digital health to bring in community voices and perspectives, as well as those of rights based organisations, the private sector, and those working on issues equity and inclusion, as well as more traditional actors Digital Health Week is creating space for a richer and more  inclusive conversation on how digital health can contribute to universal health coverage. The hybrid model ensures these different perspectives, reduces the barriers for engagement in this conversation and democratises a space that traditionally has been dominated by technical experts and that has required substantial resources (registration fees and flights to global venues and events) to participate in.

The national campaign coordinator will be expected to contribute to the success of Digital Health Week by mobilising engagement around campaign priorities and coordinating partner participation during the week. 


Selection criteria

Small grants will be offered to an established organisation working with youth, women and marginalised communities health to enable them to engage, mobilise and coordinate other partners as well as their own constituencies to raise awareness, build a movement and influence government positions on health data governance.  

Applicants must fulfil the following criteria:

Criteria Documentation required
Be formally registered as a not for profit organisation in India for no less than three years , with its operations in India Registration Documents

Banking Account Details in the name of the organisation issued by the bank itself. (for eg. a letterhead with the bank and account details)

Adhere to the principles of Transform Health  Signing of the Letter of Intent to join Transform Health, which includes adherence to Transform Health governance charter and campaign strategy 
Demonstrate strong and clear commitment to the objectives being pursued by Transform Health  Sub-grant documents
Adhere to sound financial management protocols Share their procurement policy and or manual
Must be able to prove that they are youth and women-led/focused organisations and representing marginalised and key populations Documents proving this may include: Organisational structure, legal registration,  statutes, organisation principles/policies, among others.
Must be nationally based and count on a membership or supporter base. Organisation’s charter and details provided of a membership/partnership/network model.
Must have previous experience on issue based campaigning and demonstrate how the issue of digital health, health data governance or digital rights and inclusion is relevant and important to them Provide examples of past campaigns.


Proposal submissions process

Applicants are invited to submit a costed proposal that includes an explanation of how they will work with others to achieve the objectives, and details previous experiences managing campaigns and other partners. The application should include information on how they have previously influenced the authorities, focusing on the results achieved, not the activities carried out. The selection panel will be looking for evidence of good project management, a track record of managing partners and a focus on outcomes and impact.

The budget should be for an amount up to $25,000 for a 14 month period of 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2025. This should cover coordination of the campaign including: 

  • Supporting the recruitment of the implementing partners (in partnership with the in country coalition). 
  • Developing a project plan for the campaign at national level based on the current strategy (that will be shared with the successful candidate), that  is outcome oriented 
  • Working with implementing partners to ensure their specific work plans are contributing to the overall project plan and strategy and that their activities are outcome focused and mutually reinforcing (for example by considering who they engage, timing of engagement, communications and outreach etc)
  • Establishing regular coordination meetings with the implementing partners
  • Set up mechanisms for the exchange of material stories and best practices, such as a regular (quarterly) newsletter
  • Coordinating the communications at national level for the campaign, ensuring implementing partners are providing a steady stream of content for social media and mainstream media (they can source and issue the stories but we need a regular output)
  • Coordinating collective action around the key national and global moments identified in this strategy. 
  • Coordinate with the global secretariat (the Enabling Function) around global moments and events.
  • Provide regular updates on progress on the campaign to the National Coordinator for inclusion in the monthly and quarterly reports.
  • In collaboration with the National Coordinator, engage politicians around key strategic moments.
  • In collaboration with the Enabling Function and the National Coordinating partner, identify opportunities for funding and contribute to proposals being developed and submitted to donors from-time-to-time.
  • Participate in working groups/circles with other national campaign partners for planning, coordination, cross-sharing and learning purposes.
  • Socialise and drive up submissions to the Roadmap to 2030 in India
  • Coordinate the campaign engagement around and during Digital Health Week 2025 (including organising a campaign action). 
  • Participate in consultations and provide input in Transform Health’s next global campaign.  


Expected Deliverables of the Campaign Coordinator from 1 November 2024 to 31 December 2025:

Deliverables Expected outcomes
Selection and onboarding of the campaign  partners. The creation of a national campaign movement  under the banner of MyDataOurHealth. 
A national MyDataOurHealth campaign plan that includes the activities of the campaign partners and the coordinated response around key national and global moments. This implementation plan should set out how the partners will deliver on the global strategy in India. The successful implementation of the MyDataOurHealth campaign strategy in India.
Monthly meetings held with campaign partners to discuss joint activities, outreach and communication, agree social media engagement. Strong established campaign network that maximises use of limited resources to organise coordinated actions to mobilise people and influence the politicians and the government.
A coordinated communications plan that includes a monthly story from a specific partner to be developed and issued clear social media metrics and a social media and online engagement plan.  Successful implementation of the campaign strategy. 
Monthly and quarterly reports submitted to the National Coalition Coordinating Partner Template filled out and submitted
Successful delivery of Digital Health Week  2025 events and activities. Government officials and others participate in Digital Health Week and commit to supporting the aims of the campaign.
Support the development and promotion  of the Roadmap to 2030 in India. At least 50% of organisations working on digital health in India submit a contribution to the Roadmap to 2030.
Develop (or find) a list of all the organisations working on Digital Health in India.
Contribute to the new campaign strategy and develop  a plan of action for the implementation of the new campaign in India. The successful launch of the new campaign in India.
Contribute to at least two funding proposals for campaign initiatives.  Contribute to the successful mobilisation of funding for the scale up of the campaigns. 


Overall financial management/awarding will not be the responsibility of the campaign coordinator. An additional $50,000 / year in funding will also be provided to recruit other partners that the Campaign Coordinator will then work with to deliver on the campaign objectives. The Campaign Coordinating Partner will be invited to participate in the selection process of these national campaign partners

Applications should be in English,  no more than 1500 words (3 sides of A4) in Ariel font minimum size 11 and consider and provide details based on the above criteria and outlined deliverables. 

Please send your application to: [email protected]  with the subject heading ‘National Campaign Coordinator | India’. Closing date 16 October

Shortlisting will be carried out by 23 October, we aim to recruit by 30 October.

Please note the awards are subject to committed funding being awarded to Transform Health. If there are changes to the funding, there may be delays/changes to the full grant being awarded.