Transform Health Ecuador is a coalition of organisations, individuals and institutions in Ecuador committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through the use of digital technologies and data.
This coalition brings together community leaders, health professionals, representatives of the private sector, civil society, research institutions, international organisations and governments, in order to strengthen the political will to accelerate the adoption of digital technologies and data to transform health systems to achieve UHC by 2030.


The Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
– “CACES” approves a new basic curriculum that
integrates at least one digital health subject for health
workers by 2025.

A legal or political proposal that includes health data
governance underpinned by the health data governance
principles accepted by national authorities by 2025

The government develops a costed action plan for the
digital transformation of the health sector to achieve the
objectives set out in the ten-year national health plan by


The Ecuadorian Digital Health Landscape

Ecuador is embracing digital transformation in its healthcare system by adopting strategic plans such as the Ten-Year Health Plan 2022-2031 and the Digital Health Agenda 2023-2027, which emphasise the integration of digital technologies into health systems.Internet penetration rates and speeds continued to improve, and nearly 75 percent of Ecuadorians had access to the internet during the coverage period. However, government initiatives have struggled to close the country’s significant urban-rural digital divide.


The private sector plays a crucial role in digital health transformation, by investing in hospital facilities and innovative startups that complement patient-focused technological development with the wider health system. However, the need for an independent regulatory body to ensure the quality of digital health services remains a challenge.


Legislation, such as the Fintech Act and the Data Protection Act 2023, lays the foundation for secure and efficient information management in healthcare, thereby facilitating the development of a more robust and reliable digital health ecosystem.


Furthermore, initiatives like HL7 Ecuador aim to establish medical interoperability guidelines, which are fundamental for the efficient integration of healthcare information systems. 


According to the 2023 report of the Global Digital Health Monitor, the Ecuadorian digital health ecosystem is at a stage 3/5

Ecuador’s Open Government Action Plan (2022-2024) aligns with global efforts for transparent governance, emphasising co-creation of public policies with the public to strengthen democracy and and improve public administration.


Among the commitments made, one of the most notable is the “Co-creation of a national policy for the digital transformation of the health sector”, aimed at achieving universal health coverage. This initiative prioritises leveraging information and communication technology to enhance healthcare accessibility, efficiency, and quality for all citizens 


The successful implementation of this policy requires a collaborative effort between the government, health professionals, civil society, and the private sector


Access the Open Government Action Plan here:

The Digital Health Agenda aims to enhance and unify the quality of health information through the adoption of digital tools that enable analysis and knowledge generation. By doing so, it supports the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador in making informed decisions to elevate healthcare quality. 


This agenda includes several key initiatives, such as the implementation of the Electronic Health Record (EHR), designed to provide seamless access to health information and telehealth services while ensuring data security and privacy. Scheduled for development from 2023 to 2027, the agenda has initiated various projects to support its rollout. 


A notable accomplishment is the introduction of a digital vaccination certificate against COVID-19, which meets the standards of the European Union, facilitating international travel and health security.


For more information, visit the following:


A missed opportunity to unlock the power of data for health


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